
Service: PPC Management

Category: Tools & Home Improvement 

Company Notes: Established DIY brand, already consistent best seller badge holder for some products, on Amazon for 5 years. 

Strategy: Restructured campaigns in order to effectively discover new keywords and audiences, protect the brand and dominate the category.

Ongoing optimization with the objective of cutting out unnecessary spend.

Launched new campaigns for identified profitable keywords to increase sales and improve/maintain and protect keyword ranking.

Results: PPC sales increased from $15k per month to $38k per month within 3 months with a 4% decrease in profitable ACoS. 

Service PPC Management

Category: Grocery & Gourmet Food

Company Notes: Award winning, organic cocktail mix brand. Hugely successful offline, with stockists throughout the US, but failing to make an impact on Amazon. 

Strategy: Restructured campaigns and took advantage of other ad types not currently being utilized (sponsored brands, category targeting, and product targeting). 

Optimization to cut unnecessary spend and direct it elsewhere.

Launched new campaigns to take advantage of the data from already performing campaigns

Identified the sales drivers and focused majority of the budget there, which greatly improved the keyword rank.

The new research campaigns allowed us to unlock more sources of sales.

ACoS on the account when starting was already extremely low (around 4%) . We made a conscious decision to increase ACoS slightly using more aggressive strategies, as we calculated the ROI would be worth it, while still maintaining wildly profitable ACoS. We were right. 

Results: Increased ad sales from $13k the month we took over in April 2019, to $68k within two months, with a consistent ACoS of <10%.

Service: EU Keyword Research & listing translations 

Category: Automotive

Company Notes: Successful private label brand selling auto accessories. Best seller across product categories in the US, CA & UK, but struggled to gain traction in EU countries.

Strategy: We deployed our team of native speaking, qualified translators, proofreaders and keyword research specialists to create localized listings, backend keywords, infographics and product manuals in German, French, Spanish and Italian. 

Results: Both organic and PPC traffic and conversions improved immediately once the listings were properly optimized in each target language. Customer service also improved once buyers were sent product manuals in their native language. This also reduced return rates and improved review scores.

Service: Full Amazon Account Management

Category: Weight Loss Supplements

Company Notes: Established nationwide brick and mortar weight loss company.

Had been on Amazon for 2 years. Very competitive category. They did not have in-house experience to properly manage the Amazon side of things, and as a result were only doing $16k a month in sales when we started managing the account at the end of 2017.

Results: Within 4 months we increased sales from $16k p/m to $60k p/m without adding extra products or incurring large marketing spend.

Strategy: Company did not want to do aggressive giveaway or promotional strategies due to discounting limitations imposed by their manufacturer. They also did not launch any new products this year.
Sales increases were largely made as a result of proper on page optimization, crafting highly converting product descriptions, and increasing PPC sales exponentially while maintaining a sub 15% ACoS in supplements.


Service: Inventory Management with PPC

Category: Sports & Outdoors

Company Notes: British sports clothing brand selling on Amazon since 2014 across all North America and EU marketplaces, plus Japan. This brand has hundreds of variations of their sports clothing and equipment, and did not have a proper inventory management system in place. As a result, they were constantly over and under ordering on variations. They were being charged long term storage fees on items that were hardly moving and constantly going out of stock on their best selling items. Consequently they were losing sales and organic rankings and PPC performance could never stabliize because of the out of stock periods.

Strategy: We took full control of inventory and logistics management and implemented a custom system. Our Inventory, PPC and finance teams worked closely together to forecast and grow sales in a systematic way while staying in stock across all marketplaces. It took a couple of months to right the ship, as the previous sales data was so badly skewed, until we were able to establish reliable sales patterns.

Results: Between February 2019 and June 2019, sales increased 5X, due to proper inventory management combined with our PPC service.

Essential Operations Support

See the bigger picture and focus on growth.

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Amazon Advertising

Drive Traffic and get your products working harder.

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Product Listing Optimization


Boost your reach and maximize sales.

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Amazon Inventory Mangement

Stay in control and sell at maximum capacity.

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Lightning Deal Management

Boost your reach and maximize sales.

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Messenger Marketing

Create a powerful external traffic source and supercharge your results on Amazon.

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Essential Operations Support

See the bigger picture and focus on growth.

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Amazon Advertising

Drive Traffic and get your products working harder.

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Product Listing Optimization

Boost your reach and maximize sales

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Amazon Inventory Mangement

Stay in control and sell at maximum capacity.

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Lightning Deal Management

Boost your reach and maximize sales.

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Messenger Marketing

Create a powerful external traffic source and supercharge your results on Amazon.

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Nulla luctus ultricies elit, quis dignissim nunc pharetra tempor. Donec tincidunt egestas urna. Duis porta vel urna ac ullamcorper. Mauris scelerisque massa ut imperdiet placerat. Curabitur condimentum, nisl eget mollis euismod, purus ipsum viverra quam, quis blandit augue purus nec tellus. Donec eget mauris tristique, dapibus tortor vitae, interdum ex. Nam feugiat velit sit amet commodo scelerisque.


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